Saturday, 1 November 2008

Bamford Edge

BAMFORD EDGE casts an imposing eye over the small village of Bamford in Derbyshire's Peak District. Far below it lies the Ladybower Dam and reservoir, with the Derwent reservoir in the distance, the other side of the road bridge, heading up towards the top right of the picture.

In September 2007, I started walking seriously in the Peaks. Despite having lived in Sheffield since 1999, raising young children had provided a paltry excuse for not venturing out into my local countryside until then. I am still in kindergarten when it comes to knowledge of my surroundings, but twelve months have taken me a very long way. I'm not just talking about the 300 miles I've walked, but also about the fact that I can now drive along the Snake Pass, or into the beautiful Edale or Hope valleys, and be able to name many of the notable features of the landscape.

And what a passport that is amongst the people of Sheffield! You have only to mention walking, and you'll find yourself engaged in friendly banter, even with a complete stranger, about where you've been, what you've seen and how you approached the walk. And then you'll be treated to some suggestions for other walks, other routes, other sights that might take your fancy. Walking is one of the keys that unlocks the romance of Sheffield, and I'm so glad to have happened upon it.

The walk that includes the view pictured here started in Bamford itself, took us around the village and up past the Bamford water filters. We gained the edge above the filters and walked the length of it, bringing us down to the wonderfully named Cutthroat Bridge. From there we walked back to Bamford along the road. The view from the Edge, as you can see, is spectacular.

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