DECEMBER must have been a busy month, as I look back and see I've managed no posts at all so far. Wrist slapped, will endeavour to do better. I was dreaming of the traditional white Christmas, but as it failed to appear, here's a picture of the park near my house, taken in February 2005.
I'm even late with the festive good wishes, though it's hard to be overly joyous when so much of what we'd come to take for granted seems to be crumbling around us. With the collapse of Woolworths, Whittards, Zavvi and so many other casualties of this economic 'downturn', thoughts must turn to the casualties of other institutions' reckless lust for profit.
I hope the new year brings better news, but I'm not holding my breath. I wonder if there are any bankers or hedge fund managers donating any of their holiday time to working in the soup kitchens this Christmas. No, probably not.