I'M NOT the world's best photographer but, when I finally take a decent one, I become inordinately proud and want everyone to see it. Consequently, it's my desktop picture and now I've put it on here.
This was taken on a beautifully still day in February 2008, and is a view of the Ladybower Dam and Reservoir in the Peak District, near my home in Sheffield. The Ladybower is the lowest of three interconnecting reservoirs, the Howden and the Derwent being the other two. The Derwent Dam is probably best known as the training ground for No. 617 "Dambusters" Squadron during WWII, but more of that in another post.
Many people unfamiliar with Sheffield are surprised when I tell them that although I live half an hour's walk from the city centre, I am also barely ten minutes' drive from this place. It's a wonderful place to go hiking, so look out for pictures and posts from my walks!
If you're interested, this photo was taken with a Pentax K10D, standard zoom lens as supplied, but with a polarising filter attached. In fact, it was my first day out with the new filter. I'm not sure I've taken a better shot since.